Minggu, 26 Oktober 2014

Breast cancer survivor stories: 'I never could look at myself bald' - Chicago Sun-Times

Editor's note: October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and the Chicago Sun-Times invited breast cancer survivors to share their stories. We'll share these first-person accounts throughout the month.

My journey started in February 2007. Almost a year to date of my husband's death I was diagnosed with stage 2B breast cancer. Some days were smooth sailing, but others I would hit a curve in the road.

I had a lumpectomy. Chemo was a lot worse than I expected. Mainly because I was constantly dehydrated. Fluids every other day took care of that but also meant another trip to the doctor's office.

I never could look at myself bald. I did not want that picture of myself in my mind for the rest of my life. I wore a little cap when I took my wig off. I would have my sister and daughter give me a hair update when it started growing back.But the best thing is that I always had totally straight hair, and now have a soft curl to my hair - enough that I don't have to get permanents anymore!

Then came the final lap of radiation. I almost gave up because I was so exhausted, but my support team cheered me on.

I then had to go every 3 weeks for a year for a IV treatment of Herceptin. Without this drug I would not be alive.

I am a 7½-year survivor. My mammograms have been fine. However, on July 25, 2013, I suffered a massive heart attack at work. If not for my co-worker who gave me CPR until the paramedics arrived, I would not be alive. I had to be shocked three times. I have four stents and feel the best I have in years. I exercise every day and have changed my diet somewhat. One of my doctors said there was a good possibility that the radiation contributed to my heart attack.

I try to laugh more, enjoy life and just be happy. I've had to make one of two choices in my life - just give up or just keep going. I've chosen the latter and am much happier for it. I do not dwell on my past health issues. I am cancer-free and have cleaned-out arteries, so I am ready to go.

Never give up hope. Sometimes hope is all we have, but it is the best thing to keep us going.

Entities 0 Name: Chicago Sun-Times Count: 1 1 Name: CPR Count: 1 Related 0 Url: http://ift.tt/1whLVxq Title: This Woman Has Had Breast Cancer For 17 Years. Here's What She Wishes Everyone Knew. Description: When Laurel Borowick learned she had breast cancer in 1997, she didn't join an online community for support. She went door to door. "I literally rang doorbells," Borowick said, describing her strategy for reaching out to others with the same diagnosis. "'My name is Laurel and I have breast cancer.

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