Minggu, 30 November 2014

Victoria's Secret Supermodels' Weight Loss Plans Include Paleo Low-Carb And ... - The Inquisitr

What does it take to become a Victoria's Secret supermodel? To earn your wings as an Angel in the world's most famous lingerie fashion show, you need an uber-sleek body. And to achieve that goal, supermodels say they follow weight loss plans that range from Paleo diets to Pilates and beyond, reported Hollywood Take.

Lindsay Ellingson goes for green juices and clean eating. She keeps her body lean with a combination of yoga and ballet workouts.

'I switch it up between Ballet Beautiful and hot yoga,' said Lindsay. 'It's that kind of workout where it gets really intense and you're focusing on really specific muscles so you really see results within weeks.'

For Adriana Lima, diet plays a key role. Although she boxes and jumps rope, she began following a Paleo-style low-carb diet to attain better results, said her nutritionist, Dr. Charles Passler, to E! News. By avoiding processed foods, dairy, and grains while emphasizing protein and non-starchy vegetables, weight loss becomes both easy and healthy, said Passler.

'The basic idea of the Paleo Diet is to eat what is natural and available. If it looks like it came from nature it is fine. No processed foods including breads and pasta. Dairy is also eliminated or minimized.

'Fruits are fine in moderation. Nuts are also fine in moderation-but keep in mind they are very calorie dense. Bottom line: The Paleo diet is a lower carb-eating program based on consuming mainly protein (meat, fish, poultry, eggs) and lower starch vegetables, such as leafy greens.'

The results of all that diet and exercise are showcased in the annual fashion show, as shown below.

Paleo diets have become increasingly popular among celebrities, and Snooki chose that plan for her own pre-wedding weight loss success, as the Inquisitr reported.

Snooki keeps it simple. No grains, no dairy, no sugar, and no processed foods. It's all about protein and non-starchy vegetables.

'I am eating lots of greens, a lot of grilled chicken, salad and some fruits,' she summed up.

Adam Levine's new wife, Behati, also has been exercising and dieting before the Victoria's Secret fashion show, revealed the Daily Mail. And just like Adriana, she's eliminating grains such as bread. But she admits it's not easy.

'When it's a month away, I try to do something active every day and focus on nutrition. Right now, I'm trying to eliminate bread - that's always my big problem.'

When it comes to exercise, Behati believes that each supermodel needs to find what's right for her body type.

'Some girls do boxing, others do Zumba; it's really about what works for your body,' she reflected. 'I love yoga and Pilates, which are great for long, lean muscles, plus a little running and light weights.'

[Images Via hollywoodtake.com]

Category: Health Tags: Adriana Lima, behati prinsloo victoria's secret, celebrity diets, celebrity weight loss, Fashion Shows, low carb diet, paleo diet, supermodel diets, Victoria Secret model, victoria's secret, weight-loss Love it? Share it! Entities 0 Name: Adriana Lima Count: 2 1 Name: Paleo Count: 2 2 Name: Snooki Count: 2 3 Name: Behati Count: 2 4 Name: Lindsay Ellingson Count: 1 5 Name: Lindsay Count: 1 6 Name: Adam Levine Count: 1 7 Name: Victoria Secret Count: 1 8 Name: Victoria Count: 1 9 Name: Inquisitr Count: 1 10 Name: Adriana Count: 1 11 Name: Hollywood Take Count: 1 12 Name: Passler Count: 1 13 Name: Dr. Charles Passler Count: 1 Related 0 Url: http://www.vox.com/2014/11/26/7295175/fad-diet-weight-loss Title: How we got so stupid about our diets Description: As a sports nutritionist, Matt Fitzgerald works with athletes every day, helping them overcome diet issues. A couple of years ago, he started to notice that his clients had what seemed like increasingly strange and obsessive beliefs about food, many of which weren't backed by science.

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