Senin, 25 Agustus 2014

The good juicing guide: Are these 'healthy' tonics worth the hype?

Juices and smoothies have taken the world by storm in the past few years. If we're not popping into the latest juice bar for a concoction boasting all manner of healthy ingredients we're making our own at home.

Sales of blenders and juice makers have gone through the roof while a host of celebrities, including Gwyneth Paltrow and Kate Hudson, are aficionados.

It seems barely a day passes without yet another juice detox, diet or cleanse emerging. You can spend a fortune on equipment.

But more recently there has been a juicing and smoothie backlash, with experts warning about sugar content and saying these drinks might not be all they are hyped up to be.

Here, with the help of registered dietitian Felicity Lyons and Jason Vale, author of the Juice Master books, we guide you through the juicing minefield.

If you buy cartons or bottles of juice they will almost certainly have been through some sort of manufacturing process.

This usually involves pasteurisation which means heating the juice to kill bacteria.

Unfortunately this also reduces some of the goodness in fruit and vegetable drinks, including vitamins.

'Think of juicing as being like cooking,' says Felicity. 'Making anything from scratch is better.

'When you make juice you control all the ingredients so you know exactly what you're having, it's less processed and retains more goodness.'

Juicing retains more than 90 per cent of the nutrients found in fruit and vegetables.

Drinks bought at juice bars and prepared fresh are fine but they are a very expensive way of consuming fruit and veg, while smoothies can often be packed with added sugar.

If you make juice at home it's best drunk immediately but if stored, keep for only a day or two.

Fast juicers start at about £40 and there's really no need to spend more than £100. That might sound pricey but it's a small investment in your health

Jason Vale, author of the Juice Master books

The juicing craze has spawned a huge array of kit but there's no need to spend a fortune, especially if you're a novice.

There are two main types of juicer: fast (also known as centrifugal) and slow (also known as masticating). Fast juicers (such as the Braun Multiquick range, costing from £99.99, are the most common and cheaper.

Typically they have a fast-spinning metal blade that spins against a mesh filter, separating juice from flesh via centrifugal force. The juice and pulp are then separated into different containers.

'They used to cost a fortune but not any more,' says Jason.

'Fast juicers start at about £40 and there's really no need to spend more than £100. That might sound pricey but it's a small investment in your health.

'If you're starting out don't get too technical. All you need is something that produces juice to get the benefits.

'You can always step up to gold-medal juicing later.'

He recommends a juicer with a wide funnel so the whole fruit can be inserted rather than chopping it first. Slow juicers (such as the Kuvings Whole Slow Juicer, £349, extract juice by crushing and then pressing fruit and vegetables for the highest yield.

Because they don't produce as much heat, it is claimed they keep more nutrients intact.

Some experts disagree but Jason believes slow juicers produce better quality juice.

Both types will produce a liquid but if you prefer a smoothie, with a thicker texture, a basic kitchen blender will do the job. However they're not so efficient at producing juice.

Bear in mind that juicers can end up languishing in cupboards because cleaning is a chore. The latest models are easier to clean and some can be put in the dishwasher.

Jason says: 'My own rule is always to clean the machine before enjoying the juice.'

You can throw almost any fruit or vegetable into a juicer for a delicious, healthy drink in minutes.

Jason says: 'Your staple ingredients should be an apple base, then add celery, beetroots, carrots and cucumber.'

After that almost anything goes and it's your chance to add lots of green vegetables, such as kale, broccoli and spinach.

Vegetables are bursting with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants which protect against cancer. Their high water content is also great for cleansing the body.

Kale has become the pin-up veg of the green juice and smoothie movement as it has high levels of many vitamins and minerals.

Watercress is another great ingredient which many people overlook. If you're feeling adventurous inject some zing with ingredients such as ginger, lime, turmeric, mint and basil.

In no time you will become a juicing connoisseur.

'The whole point is to introduce vegetables you wouldn't normally eat raw,' adds Jason.

'The sweet taste of the apple and carrot disguise the bitterness but you get all the goodness from these amazing green vegetables that can be lost during cooking.'

Because of their texture some fruits are best suited for blenders. Jason says: 'Mangoes, bananas and avocados should all be blended. You can juice berries, such as strawberries but we recommend you blend them as you won't get a huge amount of juice from them and the flesh tastes delicious.

'Hard fruit and vegetables work best in juicers.'

Strands of pineapple can clog juicer blades so it's best to add them last. Overpowering leeks, onions and garlic are best avoided.

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The backlash against juicing revolves around high sugar content which can damage teeth and send calorie intakes soaring.

Although packed with nutrients, fruits contain natural sugar. An orange contains the equivalent of five lumps of sugar and because you tend to use more fruit in juicing than you'd eat whole, calories can soon stack up.

If you're also eating a lot of added sugar in cakes, biscuits and drinks there can be a problem and you may put on weight.

Felicity says: 'My rule of thumb is to aim for 80/20. That's percentages of vegetables to fruit. But it's fine to start off with a little extra fruit at first.'

Keeping the 80/20 rule in mind will also limit damage to teeth. Drinking juice through a straw also helps and you shouldn't brush immediately after drinking as this can strip away protective enamel.

Juicing with the emphasis on vegetables is extremely healthy but shouldn't be an obsession.

If you end up substituting juices for whole fruit and vegetables that you would normally eat at mealtimes then you will miss out.

Juicing removes most of the fibre in foods - about 75 per cent is ejected into the pulp container - but vegetable pulp can be used to thicken stews, soups and gravy so none of that goodness is wasted.

Blending keeps more fibre which is needed for gut and heart health.

Felicity says: 'It's important that juicing does not replace eating whole fruit and vegetables. Most of us don't eat enough anyway so juicing should be regarded as a way of getting extra portions into our diets.'

In the UK we are encouraged to eat at least five portions of fruit and veg a day but some experts insist that's still not enough to help ward of a range of conditions, including forms of cancer.

To learn more about juicing visit and Entities 0 Name: Jason Count: 6 1 Name: Jason Vale Count: 2 2 Name: Felicity Lyons Count: 1 3 Name: Kate Hudson Count: 1 4 Name: UK Count: 1 5 Name: Gwyneth Paltrow Count: 1 6 Name: Braun Multiquick Count: 1 Related 0 Url: Title: The shocking ways sugar can affect your kid's health Description: Ice cream, birthday cake and cookies are typical treats in our kids' diets, but did you know that 16 percent of children and teens' daily calories come from added sugar? It's no surprise that too much sugar can cause tooth decay, hyperactivity and increase the risk for obesity and type 2 diabetes.

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