Senin, 30 Juni 2014

The World's Best Diet: Why mum really should go to Iceland plus 6 more facts ...

Famous farmer Jimmy Doherty travels the globe to grade the eating habits of 50 countries from worst to best

Jimmy Doherty and Kate Quilton whizz around the world - from the streets of Mexico, to the hills of Africa and the shores of the South Pacific - to discover which nations are the healthiest eaters

And the results, featured in one-off film The World's Best Diets, are sometimes surprising. Here are a few interesting nuggets from tonight's show to whet your appetite.

1. Mexico is in the grip of a fizzy pop crisis

It has one of the highest rates of childhood obesity - an epidemic attributed to each child drinking on average a half litre of soda per day. It's the fattest developed nation on earth.

2. Russia ruins itself with vodka!

With diet staples such as beetroot soup and root vegetables, the nation should be on to a winner, but excessive consumption of alcohol lets it down. One third of men die by the age of 55.

3. Australia's obesity rates are rapidly growing

Forget the idea of salads and lean meat on the BBQ after an energetic surf at the beach, there are more obese people Down Under than the entire population of Wales. Is a diet of meat, beer and more meat to blame?

Jimmy with our ëEnglish Familyí and their typical weekly shop. Paul & Wendy and their five daughters, in Milton Keynes

4. Ethiopians have the rye kind of idea

The UK diet can learn much from that of the Ethiopians': low consumption of meat and high levels of grain place them at an enviably high score.

5. Innuits know the raw facts

It's impossible to grow fruit and veg in the Arctic, yet the inhabitants have excellent levels of Vitamin C - thanks to their consumption of meats, such as whale skin, completely raw, which ensures none of the nutritional value is lost.

6. The French are a 'paradox'...

The term 'French Paradox' refers to their ability to consume cheese, fatty meats and red wine on a daily basis, yet maintain lower rates of heart disease and cholesterol than us. The science bit: mould in blue cheese is thought to provide anti-inflammatory protection for the cardiovascular system.

7. If Mum has gone to Iceland that's a very good thing.

The remote land's occupants swear by raw fish. The closer to its natural form, the better it is for you. Men here live the longest in the world.

Tune in to see where England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland rank!

* The World's Best Diet, tonight on Channel 4, 9pm

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Entities 0 Name: Jimmy Doherty Count: 3 1 Name: Kate Quilton Count: 2 2 Name: Mexico Count: 2 3 Name: Wales Count: 2 4 Name: Vitamin C Count: 1 5 Name: Australia Count: 1 6 Name: England Count: 1 7 Name: South Yorkshire Count: 1 8 Name: South Pacific Count: 1 9 Name: Iceland Count: 1 10 Name: Milton Keynes Count: 1 11 Name: Scotland Count: 1 12 Name: Northern Ireland Count: 1 13 Name: Africa Count: 1 14 Name: The World Count: 1 15 Name: UK Count: 1 16 Name: Jimmy Count: 1 17 Name: Paul & Wendy Count: 1 18 Name: The World 's Best Diet Count: 1 19 Name: Russia Count: 1 20 Name: Larry Count: 1 Related 0 Url: Title: How much your meat addiction is hurting the planet Description: The environment doesn't appreciate our meat obsession. The average meat-eater in the U.S. is responsible for almost twice as much global warming as the average vegetarian, and close to three times that of the average vegan, according to a study (pdf) published this month in the journal Climatic Change.

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