Sabtu, 28 Juni 2014

Herpes virus increases HIV infection risk

The herpes virus increases both susceptibility to and transmissibility of HIV infection, according to a new study.

'Heterosexual intercourse is usually not very efficient for transmitting HIV, but the efficiency of heterosexual transmission nearly triples in the presence of herpes simplex virus type 2, (HSV-2),' said lead author Don Des Jarlais, professor of psychiatry and preventive medicine at Mount Sinai Beth Israel in the US.

A person usually gets HSV-2 through sexual contact. HIV and its transmission has long been associated with injecting drug use, where hypodermic syringes are used to administer illicit drugs.

However, the new study showed that HIV infection among heterosexual non-injecting drug users in New York City has now surpassed HIV infection among persons who inject drugs.

More than half of the non-injecting drug users in the study were infected with HSV-2.

The study was published in the journal PLOS ONE.

What are the symptoms of genital herpes?

One might not see any visible symptoms soon after being infected with the herpes virus. But as the infection grows and spreads it starts to show some mild symptoms.

The initial symptoms could be 'pimples' or 'zits' appearing on the genital areas of the one infected with herpes. Sometimes such signs are even seen around the mouth area too. Many times people with herpes mistake these initial symptoms for a skin condition or an allergy.As the infection spreads the sores grow and start to appear more like blisters around the genitals, rectum and the mouth area. There can be one or more blisters at one spot at a time. If neglected and left untreated, the sores can break open and can cause pain. This outbreak is usually followed by flu-like symptoms such as fever, body aches and swelling in the lymphatic glands. Usually the first attack of herpes is the worst and can take a toll on the person infected with it. These outbreaks can take upto several weeks to heal even with treatment.Once infected the virus stays in the body for the rest of their life despite treatment and care. In such a scenario one can face episodes of repeated outbreaks. However, the outbreaks after the first one are usually shorter in duration and less painful. Also the number of outbreaks tend to decrease over a period of years.Symptoms that can indicate a herpes infection other than sores or the outbreaks are smelly discharge, a burning sensation during urination and painful intercourse. Apart from this unusual vaginal bleeding between periods among women is also noticed. Read more...

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